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Learn bank ALM: balance sheet mapping, risk management, liquidity, and interest rate risk with fintech and regulatory compliance.
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Gain expertise in navigating MiFID II regulations with Bearning's workshop, blending interactive learning and real-world case studies to ensure compliance and strategic advantage in financial markets.
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The Treasury Workshop provides a comprehensive overview of financial and capital markets, focusing on conventions, product features, rules, and trading strategies.
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Delve into ALM Liquidity Management: Master balance sheet mapping, liquidity gap management, internal pricing, and regulatory compliance. Tailored for ALM/Treasury professionals, risk managers, product/project managers, and banking experts.
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Our comprehensive Banking Regulation Course delves into the principles and the latest Basel standards, providing an in-depth understanding of bank risks and the regulatory framework.
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This comprehensive course offers a comparison between traditional financial systems and decentralized finance. Participants will gain valuable insights into the fundamental differences, practical applications, security, and regulatory landscape.
Explore the key differences between our in-house and public courses to select the ideal option for your professional growth.